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Core Linkify


Node.js module

Install from the command line with NPM

npm install linkifyjs

Import into your JavaScript with require

const linkify = require("linkifyjs");

or with ES modules

import * as linkify from "linkifyjs";

Browser globals

Download linkify and extract the contents into your website’s assets directory. Include the following script in your HTML:

<script src="linkify.js"></script>


linkify.find (str [, type = null] [, opts = null])

Finds all links in the given string


Returns Array List of links where each element is an object with the following properties:

  • type is the type of entity found. Possible values are
    • 'url'
    • 'email'
    • 'hashtag' (with Hashtag plugin)
    • 'mention' (with Mention plugin)
    • 'ticket' (with Ticket plugin)
    • 'ipv4' (with IP plugin)
    • 'keyword' (with Keyword plugin)
  • value is the original entity substring.
  • href is the value of this link’s href attribute.
  • start is the index of the link’s first character in the given string
  • end is the index after link’s last character in the given string
linkify.find("For help with GitHub.com, please email support@github.com");

Returns the following array

    type: "url",
    value: "GitHub.com",
    isLink: true,
    href: "http://GitHub.com",
    start: 14,
    end: 24,
    type: "email",
    value: "support@github.com",
    isLink: true,
    href: "mailto:support@github.com",
    start: 39,
    end: 57,

If the second argument is an object, it will be interpreted as opts with options, not as type.


Avoid calling this manually. init() runs automatically before invoking linkify for the first time. Must be manually called after any plugins or custom plugins get registered after the first invokation.

To avoid calling manually, register any plugins or protocols before finding links:

import * as linkify from "linkifyjs";
import linkifyStr from "linkify-string";
import "linkify-plugin-hashtag";

linkify.registerPlugin("my-custom-plugin", () => {});

linkifyStr("Hello World.com!"); // init() called automatically here on first invocation

// If registering new protocols or plugins *here*, call linkify.init() immediately after

linkify.registerCustomProtocol (scheme [, optionalSlashSlash = false])

Call this before invoking linkify for the first time. Linkify will consider any string that begins with the given scheme followed by a : as a URL link.


  • string scheme The scheme. May only contain characters a-z and - (hyphens)
  • boolean [optionalSlashSlash] If true, allows links that begin with scheme:, not just scheme://
linkify.registerCustomProtocol("fb"); // now recognizes links such as fb://feed
linkify.registerCustomProtocol("instagram", true); // now recognizes links such as instagram:account

linkify.registerPlugin (name, plugin)

Register a custom plugin for detecting one or more new kinds of links. Call this before invoking linkify for the first time.


  • string name unique name of the plugin to register • Function plugin plugin implementation function

Caution: The plugin development API is in its very early stages and only supports very basic plugins. Updated features, APIs, and docs are in progress.

Check out the sample Hashtag plugin for an example. Check out the Keyword plugin for more advanced usage.

linkify.test (str [, type])

Is the given string a link? Note that linkify is not 100% spec compliant, so this function may return some false positives or false negatives. If this method does not return the expected result for a specific input, please report an issue.


  • string str Test string
  • string [type] returns true only if the link is of the given type (see linkify.find),

Returns Boolean

linkify.test("google.com"); // true
linkify.test("google.com", "email"); // false

linkify.tokenize (str)

Internal method that parses the given string into a generic token entity array. Used by linkify’s interfaces.


  • string str

Returns Array